Adventure #20 -

Aggregate all your conversations in one place

tune in to conversations from your favourite communities

Hey there👋My mission is to fuel innovation and support ambitious founders!Welcome to all the new faces!

Today's plan:Use this framework to look into a business:(1) The company (/product)(2) The founding team(3) Funding and Hiring(4) Why the business excites meCurrent events + business talk(5) Meme + NFT Market(6) Hustler's ambition

Disclaimer: None of this is sponsored, I choose what to write about. This is not financial advice either!

Today is dedicated to

The company (/product)

Have you ever tried to find the exact timing of a certain topic in a Twitter spaces?Maybe looked for a community call from last week but couldn't find it?

Well, Zealous helps with problems like that. And a few more! I've tried it before and it's a really cool product! There are quite a few features I want to tell you about. (reminder I'm not paid to do this, unfortunately)

Their website say it's a hub for all your conversations.

And it does that brilliantly. It also transcribes your conversations. Twitter spaces are imported automatically but you can also import your own recordings.

The transcription is really good and even picked up my weird Bulgarian-Scottish accent.I was quite surprised tbf, other transcription services make me cry.

Speaking of transcription, you can filter and select parts where a certain speaker talks!

You can also look for a certain word!!! After missing all the juicy drama on CT - you choose a Spaces recording on Zealous and only listen to the timestamps where they talk about your topic of interest!!! WILD

Want another cool feature? You can create your very own audiogram!! I tried it and it worked really well! Howevaaaa, you're not listening to my voice so here's an example.

There are a few other cool features but these are the ones that I've explored. The app is currently free though when I spoke with Greg, he mentioned that next year they'd move to SaaS model but also have lifetime NFT passes.

Oh, and Zealous also won #1 a CPG's builders club. Love to see it

How can you use the product today?? 1) You go to and type the @ of your favourite show/CT anon (shoutout Pio)

2) If you do Twitter spaces, you can log into Zealous to manage your recordings

It's that simple and SO SO useful. I really do my best to show you the best products!🛫Share the newsletter with a friend who'd appreciate that, please. Here's the link

The founding team

Gregarious (Greg) Narain - CEO (his LinkedIn)Greg is a really cool guy, very humble. We spoke about his past experience and I'd need to dedicate a whole paragraph to tell you about it all. Will drop some bulletpoints:• Employee #1 and VP of product at Klout (acquired for $200 mil)• Co-founder of Chute (acquired)• Mentor at Y Combinator and Techstars• Loads of exp with startups, scaling, and marketing

Petr Bela - CTO (his LinkedIn)I've not spoken with Petr but him and Greg have worked together before which is something investors like to see. Some bulletpoints:

• Co-founder and CTO at Flex (acqui-hired)• Worked at Chute alongside Greg• Gone through YC and Techstars

Funding and Hiring

A) FundingZealous are currently looking for funding and have 1/2 of it committed so far.DM me if you like, happy to make the intro📧

B) HiringGreg said they're currently a good team size and not looking to hire.

Why this business excites me

I'm excited by Zealous because I've experienced the problem they solve... Twitter spaces are a great way to do research, being able to go in and find the *exact* topics you want is really cool! The audiogram thing is bloody awesome too!

And finally, the product can be used by more than just crypto Twitter. There's no fancy crypto interactions so any web2 creator can use it too!

Favourite meme of the week

wish I had that confidence and "dgaf" attitude hahahah

Quick market thoughts

Well, this week can almost be explained with memes

A few others ones on my radar:a) Cool Cat's CEO steps down, floor also pumped to +1eth from old floorb) 14 apes lost in a scam :///c) A cool Yuga-inspired IP play, by Lior.eth (m3 holder) and Mutant cartel

My on-chain activityMaaaan, I done fucked up this week. Faded Trump NFTs at mint then again at 0.17 :/

Then yesterday night some stupid hype train comes about presidents and NFTs.... So I sent it to a friend so he gets familiar with such events. I was writing & didn't want distractions🤷‍♂️I tried to resist, I really did.....

Aaaaaand I failed... It was too much fun to miss out on😆

I missed the Biden one and bought the Top of the Obama one ahahahahha. My mate got rekt too, I laughed so hard. Down $60 collectively.

Was his first time getting rekt and he took it on the chine like the legend he is!!!

So much fun, that's the best $30 I have spent this whole quarter🤣🤣Besides that, nothing really. Considering selling my Potato but not sure

Hustler's Ambition

A section dedicated to business frameworks/ideas/tools

1/ Milk Road's acquisition (written by Beehiiv's CEO)I think that's a great case study of brand building. Lots of golden nuggets in there.I wrote about my estimate of their valuation and whether a web3 newsletter can be engineered (shoutout to Michael N. and Steve H.)

2/ Rewarding loyaltyA short thread on how Starbucks are rewarding loyalty. Fun fact: the brand behind the loyalty programme is called Forum3 and they recently raised $10mil

I'd also recommend paying attention to how CPG will reward loyalty. Cantino is very switched on and I know he also pays lots of attention to brands + values community.

1097 words later and we're at the end of this week's web3adventure!Thank you for tagging along, hope it was fun!

If you're a VC, dm me and I can make intros.If you're a founder, DM me and let's get you featured (it's free)See you next Sunday👋- Mitko


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