Aventure #17 - tProof

Decentralized Proof of Timestamp

Decentralized Proof of Timestamp service

Welcome to the 17th issue of web3adventures where I shed light on web3 businesses.

We’ll use a simple framework that covers:(1) The company (/product)(2) The founding team(3) Funding and hiring(4) Why the business excites me

Today we're looking into tProof.io

Disclaimer: None of this is sponsored, I choose what to write about. This is not financial advice either!

The company (/product)

Proof of Stamp is almost self-explanatory but I'll follow up. tProof is an open-source, decentralized service that shows at what point of time a file was uploaded on the blockchain. The proof is also an NFT (will show you more later)

In normal circumstances, you need to go to a trusted source whenever you need to prove something to someone. Well, trusted sources can make mistakes (or be bribed). On the other hand, the blockchain cannot - it's there, and it can't be changed. Also, there's no expiration period or maintenance costs included.

As always, I try to use the tools I write about, so here's my adventure with tProof.

1) Used ETH-Polygon bridge to transfer swap some USDC and failed.2) Had USDT on Polygon so swapped to Matic3) Connected my wallet and uploaded a file

4) The file I went with is one of my proudest memes! ;D

5) Paid my 3 Matic (about $3ish) in fees and that's it really. I can now see the hash of my transaction proving when this file hit the blockchain.I wanted to make it public but that was around $15 so I was like naaaaah

6) This is how it looks on etherscan

7) Oh, and I also got an NFT!!!

8) It's a pretty straightforward process. Their website has many written and video guides.

So when could this tool be useful??? Glad you askedFTX went bang but let's say there's a chance of people getting their money back. Proof would be needed for a specific point in time (i.e. before the crash). That's exactly where tProof could come in handy.

Another use case could be for proving the existence of docs at a point in time. Would tProof be used by lawyers for showing evidence?🤔

ps name a more iconic duo than Donna and Harvey.

The founding team

I don't know the boys, they're somewhat active on Twitter but no LinkedIn.Anyway, their twitters are @AleixoEth and @Frenk_eth

Funding and Hiring

A) FundingThey got a gitcoin grant for around $5000. Below is their announcement of it

B) HiringN/A

Why this business excites me

It feels like a service like this would be very needed. The nature of the blockchain (decentralized and immutable) make it even more appealing. Also, imagine you make a meme that's way ahead of its time and predict the future.Then someone says "oh you just made this" you can be "naaah mfer, here's the receipt" - boom, you show the hash! 😎

Also, there will be an NFT collection👀👀👀👀

Favourite meme of the week

Kinda not been seeing many but here go two

Quick market thoughts

This newsletter is quite long already so I'll spare this section.Do remember this week though, I'm collecting the receipts for a Twitter thread that will shake a few people.. Will release it when the timing is better🤝

With that being said, Thank you so much for reading! 17 weeks in, and the open ratio is still very healthy, I appreciate your curiosity!

Idk about this Avg Click rate tho, why has it dropped? I suppose the links I'm attaching aren't of interest but they're just proof/source of the info.So I suppose you guys trust me or??

Anyway, if you're into newsletter growth, drop me a message. I will soon need help with marketing it (maybe writing too, not sure?). Will be a Paid position, of course!💵

Wishing you a productive week ahead!- Mitko


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