Adventure #12 - CharmVerse

web3 operations platform

The solution for token communities to work together, vote, and get rewarded!

Welcome to web3adventures where I shed light on web3 businesses.

We’ll use a simple framework that covers:(1) The company(2) The founding team(3) Funding and hiring(4) Why the business excites me

Disclaimer: None of this is sponsored, I choose what to write about. This is not financial advice either!

Today we're looking into CharmVerse

PSA: I interviewed the CEO, Alex Poon, before writing this so. We all have extra context now. Happy days 🙌

The company

CharmVerse is a platform that helps DAOs run their operations. It's got a very intuitive feel to it and is extremely easy to use. I discovered it 2 weeks ago and have been using it for light work - it's been great! Soon enough, our whole web3adventures team will be using it👌

The UI is very similar to Notion so there's literally 0 learning curve if you've used that tool before. So how is it different from Notion? I'm glad you asked👇

CharmVerse is targeting DAOs (though not exclusively). The platform has features like token-gating access, voting, setting bounties, and many others that I'm yet to explore!

If you're extra curious, do join their discord where you can see how they've been developing the product since the start! 

In my chat with Alex, I asked him about what would happen if Notion suddenly implemented token-gating. He was very aware of that potential scenario and it didn't bother him. I loved that! 

He told me they know what they're innovating on, and what they're NOT innovating on.What they are not innovating on - project management.What they are innovating on - reducing the friction of DAOs management by enabling the use of web3 infrastructure. 

^That's my interpretation from speaking with Alex. I really liked his business awareness!?What are they working on next: soft-launching a members directory

The founding team

Alex Poon: Co-founder and CEOBesides being a kind and approachable guy, Alex has loads of business exp! He's founded 3 businesses, 2 of which were VC-backed and successful exits! Quite the hit rate if you ask me 🎯

His other venture was AI-based before Artificial Intelligence was even cool!! Is Alex a visionary? 👀 Their clients used to be companies like CNN, Forbes, NBC and others. ^ You can clearly see Alex knows how to build b2b relationships so I'm well confident he'll onboard DAOs to CharmVerse! Oh, and Alex attended a cohort with AllianceDAO which I covered a few weeks ago.

Cool fact: Alex and his business partner have been working together for nearly 10 years!! Given how tough startups are, such a long-lasting partnership certainly gives the team extra credibility points & conviction to investors🎢 

TLDR on Alex: knows how to 1) build a team, 2) lead a business, 3) raise capital, 4) very well-connected, 5) strong co-founder relationship! #bullishHis socials: LinkedIn, Twitter

I usually add more research on the core team by wanting to keep this short. However, it's easy to look into them if you wish. I'd recommend it, they're a cool bunch :)

Funding and Hiring

A) Funding

B) HiringAlex said they've done the needed hiring until this point. However, nothing's stopping you from joining their discord and waiting until they aim to expand🤷‍♂️

Why this business excites me

DAOs are tough to lead, there are a lot of moving parts. I've studied a few of them and have friends who are involved. Most DAOs are all over the place, starting from the onboarding to the running of it, it's not hassle-free at all.^ I believe CharmVerse can change that! Clearly the VCs agree

Favourite meme of the week

We had the Mechaverse anniversary recently so had to make this

Quick market thoughts

Once again I don't remember what happened in the markets this week :||Azuki's team has been making moves - both the PBT and the Skateboard auction. Wild!I wrote about both of these - here's the PBT article and below is the Auction one👇

On-chin activityI played around with a metaverse-type tool. I built something utterly bad but I did send it to a friend and he built this cool office. App is called "Philand"

I did also buy 2 Reddit NFTs, wrote about it below (hyperlink):

And finally: Swapped USDT for ETH to reach the 0.5eth threshold to classify for the premint by Tim Ferris. Let's see what he's got in store for us 👀 No more on-chain activity I think?


So this is the 12th Issue and 3-month anniversary of the newsletter. I appreciate each of you who comes through and reads these breakdowns. Special shout out to:>> Than: for encouraging me to start & the critical feedback>> Gabs and Dylan for the continued support>> Brian for always telling people about the newsletter

And finally: If you are, or know of, a cool business that I should look into - DM me📩I'd love to feature you in an upcoming issue (it's 100% FREE).

Wishing you a productive week ahead!- Mitko


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