Adventure #33 -

Safeguards the integrity of photos

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Anyway, onto what you're here for.Today's plan:

Use this framework to look into a business:(1) The product(2) The founding team(3) Funding and Hiring(4) Why the business excites me

Current events + business talk(5) Meme + NFT Market(6) Hustler's ambition

Also, I hope you like capybaras.

Disclaimer: None of this is sponsored, I choose what to write about. This is not financial advice either!

Today is dedicated to Capture App

The product

Cool cool, let's see how the new format works

(i) problem

Deepfakes are on the rise. We barely know what's real anymore.Businesses are even raising $ to build on this "value prop".

What you see online has to be questioned...Fake news isn't a new thing at all

Missing the provenance of digital media is a major problem and the root cause for misinformation (above) and copyright infringement.

(ii) solution and demo

Capture App is an app created by Numbers Protocol and it creates provenance records of digital media.

All photos taken within the app have their metadata certified and sealed on the blockchain (privacy settings are available ofc).

Then any changes made to the photo (e.g. photoshop) are traced and recorded. Now we know if someone has faked an image.

Basically, anything created within their app is fully traceable and transparent.

If a pic/video seems suspicious, one an check if it's within the protocol.

Could this be the equivalent of "It's on-chain bro"??🤔🤔I don't quite understand how it works on the backend and I've researched it for 6hrs...

Anyhow, there's also a layer which is simpler to explain:

You can turn your pics/vids into NFTs using their app and sell them.It's kinda like if Instagram and OpenSea had a baby.

I made a profile and here's how the app looks.

I've not bought anything so can't tell you about that.

Also, the team just won the SXSW pitch.

(iii) considerations

1/ Tracking every single change seems like a tough task

2/ Buying assets happens with their erc20 token - $NUMI bet it'd be volatile af. Actually, let's pull up the chart

Yeah right, point proven. Anyway, it's easy enough to implement stablecoins if they want.

(iv) how you can benefit

You can try selling your content on there?It's pretty early so not sure how much liquidity there is.

They did cross 1mil downloads though 👏

I suppose you could register some cool domains haha.It's free to do so it could be a play 😆😆

But hey, if you do it - I didn't give you the idea. We just vibing here

Also, if you're reading this now - you're definitely early.You can use that advantage^ and become an ambassador for them.Adding the link to apply - here

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The founding team

They got a big C suite so won't write it out individually.Instead, here's their team's page link

  • lots of data science and research experience

  • lots of project m-ment and biz dev exp

  • exp with big companies like Deloitte and EY

  • loads tech experience

Funding and Hiring

A) Funding - yes

They raised $6mil in funding from a private sale and seed round.Sauce: here

B) Hiring - yes, below:"If you're interested in joining our dev team, please share your profile with ."

Why this business excites me

1/ The problem seems both complicated & huge.I'm curious to see how the team tackles it.

2/ Speaking of the team - they have lots of exp & decent backing.Combined with the nature of the challenge, this will be interesting to follow.

Favourite meme of the week

and the legend Hasbulla

Quick market thoughts

My on-chain activity

Secured mitko.tez😎 I blame Michael for this

Hustler's Ambition

A section dedicated to business frameworks/ideas/tools

How to construct a pre-Seed round

One image that will come in handy for sure

Final words - about my personal newsletter (twice a month)

3am thoughtsinsights from entrepreneurship and fuckups

^ I'll be sharing what framework I used to cold-email the co-founder of Morning Brew. Subscribe above or here

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See you next Sunday👋- Mitko


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