Adventure #22 -

Non-dilutive funding matching your growth in real-time

Goooooooooood Mooooorniiiiiiing!I am beyond hyped on this fine Sunday. Not because of 2023 but because I applied to one of the biggest web3 accelerators - Techstars😈😈 My pitch:A newsletter where contributors get rewarded w/ equity and/or tokens

Anyway. New year, new font. Who dis?Hope you don't mind - it's Merriweather

Let's set the bar low with a dad joke turned into a meme.

Good, it's up only from here😄 The plan for today:

Use this framework to look into a business:(1) The company (/product)(2) The founding team(3) Funding and Hiring(4) Why the business excites me

Current events + business talk(5) Meme + NFT Market(6) Hustler's ambition

Disclaimer: None of this is sponsored, I choose what to write about. This is not financial advice either!

Today is dedicated to founded by Charles!

The company (/product)

You know how SaaS businesses use different pricing?Cheaper if you pay for the whole year, more expensive if you pay monthly.E.g. beehiiv's paid plan is $1000 per year but $100 per month.

This pricing is because they prefer the upfront $ so the company scale faster.Assetize allows businesses to make use of their "to-be-earned" capital.

Imagine you have $50k MRR. That's $600k by the end of the year. What if someone could give you a bit less than $600k but up front??That's what Assetize allows you to do

"Assetize is a web 2.5 lending marketplace allowing recurring revenue businesses to match their growth with non-dilutive funding in real time, while enabling investors to compound 365x faster."

Charles, founder of Assetize

Charles kindly explained to me the importance of "non-dilutive funding" ⇝ In a raise, a SaaS business would give up equity to get $$Because of Assetize, founders (and the team) won't need to do that ^

The platform is for both Borrowers (i.e. founders needing $) and Lenders (investors). Some of the benefits for each:

Borrowers• Early access to the premium version• No need for warm intros • Access to the Assetize Founders Club

Lenders (individual and institutional)• Be the first one to know about the upcoming deals• Early access to the newest features• Reduced fees for a higher ROI (limited offer) I'd strongly recommend visiting their website. In fact, go study that thing.↳ Look at their branding, it's beautiful! The copy is so so clear and convincing. The whole brand is put together so well!!

The founding team

Charles Plenet de Badts de Cugnac - CEO (his LinkedIn, his Twitter)

Charles is such a genuine guy! Very generous with his knowledge and time too. We spoke for nearly 1h30m😮

He taught me so much about business and more. He shared his thought process on life in general and so many things resonated. His mindset is top-tier, I can probably dedicate a whole article to just him. Some bulletpoints about his background: ➙ Bought BTC in 2014 when he was just 16➙ Co-founded Blockrise and later sold it➙ Deep understanding of business and very well connected

Funding and Hiring

A) FundingSo far, Assetize has been self-funded by Charles. However, they will be raising a seed round in the future. They're doing that by tokenizing the access to the seed round through NFTs.

The funds from the NFT sales will go towards their ADONIS initiative to provide interest-free loans to businesses that commit to sustainability. Also, 1% of their company’s profits will be used to fund ADONIS in perpetuity

B) HiringAssetize are in fact hiring:

➙ 3x Full-stack developers (NestJS, React)➙ 1x Smart contract developer➙ 1x DevOps / Cloud engineer➙ 1x Social Media Manager (Twitter, Linkedin)/Copywriter ➙ 1x Business dev

Feel free to DM Charles, I'm also happy to do an intro.

Why this business excites me

I'm really excited about Assetize for 2 reasons: the team + the problem.1/ Charles has been a founder and an investor. He's been through the painpoints of both + has the exp & connections to help others! He's also an extremely kind person.2/ The problem - what founder wouldn't like to scale their team without giving up equity??Assetize will also be a great platform for investors to find and invest in businesses!

doing my best to stop thinking about participating in the seed round... I'm that bullish

Favourite meme of the week

A recap of 2022💀

Quick market thoughts

Market's been wild huh?? Didn't expect this pump from Pudgy penguins and Seals. Penguin on the right is me - sleeping and fading Seals at 0.4 :///

My on-chain activityThis week's been pretty chill. Sold my TABZ for 0.015 profit, might get another one.

My great friend and advisor Than gifted me this lovely nft on Tezos.

The news about DeGods got me thinking.... $6k is a lot but seems like a safe bet. Idk🤔

Hustler's Ambition

A section dedicated to business frameworks/ideas/tools

Demand Curve has sooooo many resources, it's actually insane. It's quite lengthy so take your time, well worth it though.

And one lighter read with more visuals. There's stuff about writing, YC, biases, and general life things. Have a scroll

That's it for today, 1008 words. Thank you for tagging along.If you liked it, please share it with 1 friend

Happy new year! I'll see you next Sunday👋- Mitko


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