Adventure #9 - Ninjalerts

Track NFT contracts and top trader wallets with 1-click.

Welcome to the 9th issue of web3adventures where I shed light on web3 businesses.

We’ll use a simple framework that covers:(1) The company(2) The founding team(3) Funding and hiring(4) Why the business excites me

Disclaimer: None of this is sponsored, I choose what to write about. This is not financial advice either!

Today we're looking into Ninjalerts

The company

Ninjalerts is a tracking tool for NFTs - minting, buying, transfers etc. It's free which is nice because I don't have money to pay for Nansen and tracking on Etherscan or Opensea is a pain.

On the flipside (see what I did there?) there are a lot of competitors out there - both paid and free. So why this one? Well, I'm usually a hard sell and somehow I immediately signed up to this one, even downloaded it on my phone. The onboarding was smooth and the app was very tempting to try. You don't even have to connect your wallet which I liked + there's a phone version!

The founding team

Trevor, the CEO. It does seem like he's got good experience in being a startup founder. Can't see (though I've not researched enough) any signs of successful exits.

Funding and Hiring

A) FundingFunding for one of his ventures but not for Ninjalererts directly. I would imagine they've got enough money

B) HiringCouldn't find anything

Why this business excites me

I think it's the perfect time to get used to utilizing a trading tool. If you want to get better at trading of course. Moreover, we're in a bear now so people are more risk averse and if you see conviction buys - well, it could be a great buy signal.

How I plan on using it: I will find the wallets of 5-8 alpha callers and get their alts too. I plan on following these for a bit and understanding the patterns. Will see though, I've got a lot of other fun things to do so can't promise.

Favourite meme of the week

Quick market thoughts

Ayyoooo, finally managing to catch up on most things in the market. Feels good.

Renga runningDon't actually know, I've not been following at all. Here's a tweet with many great comments in it. And also, here's a screenshot of another take

QQLVery well executed and certainly showed there's plenty liquidity in the market. 

Wild sales Seedphrase going wild - sold both punks below for a total of 4280eth (just shy of $6 mil).Apes sold for over a mil each! Just goes to show that people are keen to bet on bluechips in the long term. What about the other collections?? Oh well

AzurbalaWild turn of events huh. This art is definitely not what most of us expected haha! Hope the artist hasn't taken the feedback personally

The team handled it really well though! An absolute masterclass! More here👇

My on-chain activityBoyyyyy, we finally been busy on-chain haha. Been a while huh.

Bought one of The Littles at 0.1eth (floor now 0.06 kek). 

Then minted 2 of the free mints. Sold one for $10, kept the other. Silly mistake tbf - should've sold both and bought after supply increased. Was fun to play the 1up game.

Also sent my girlfriend some Eth and helped her buy one. She was super happy with it!

Then just yesterday I added Optimism to my metamask, bridge ETH to optimism and then got some OP tokens. Lovely experience.

And why did I need the OP tokens?? Well, I wanted to collect my first NFTs on there. So what did I mint and why?

I minted some Mirror assets for Free! One of them was from the announcement of Haun ventures - I like origin stories and wanted to own a piece of it (it's free btw).

I'm actually incredibly bullish on this. Imagine if Katie Haun decides to reward her future supporters in the future? Supply is only 500. Mirror is also a growing platform! It could pump, who knows. I'm happy to roll the dice and invest some time! The process of bridging and everything was also pretty cool, would recommend it to anyone.

The second one I minted was again from Haun Ventures and was related to their announcement of investing in thirdweb.

I'm a big fan of what the guys are doing and been following since day 1. The NFT above so this NFT just adds to my collectible experience.

Besides these, no more on-chain activity. We chillin


If you've made it this far, thank you for your time! Do let me know if you want me to cover your or someone else's web3 business. DMs always open Twitter @mitkopitko7Wishing you a productive week ahead!- Mitko


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