Adventure #6 - Coordinape

Reinventing Compensation for Web3

Welcome to the 6th issue of web3adventures where I shed light on web3 businesses.

We’ll use a simple framework that covers:(1) the company(2) the founding team(3) hiring and funding(4) why the business excites me

Disclaimer: None of this is sponsored, I choose what to write about. This is not financial advice either!

Today we're looking into Coordinape!

The company

Coordinape is a scalable & permissionless platform for decentralized compensation built for the needs of emerging DAOs.

It shows who has contributed and in what way. This then helps in figuring out how to split the compensation. Clever!

Their website is really clear, they've got a great demo video and a docs page outlining everything you need to know. It is so clear and easy to follow.

You'll see more on their website but here are the steps to use it:

The founding team

No team section in this case. The project is open-source though so I don't see a problem. There is an established core team on Discord though and they're very active! 

Hiring and Funding

A) HiringNothing is advertised currently.

B) FundingNo news of funding being raised

Why this business excites me

I'm excited about the ideas of DAOs. I think they've got the potential to be revolutionary, however, they do face a few challenges. This train of thought produced the tweet below

Coordinape seems to tackle a major challenge in DAOs (and more broadly too) - fair compensation. It also promotes accountability and transparency!

Favourite meme of the week

Quick market thoughts

y00tslistThe y00ts mint was quite the event! Last time we saw so much excitement was the Otherside. Anyway, mint didn't go too smoothly.. Initial 24h delay, then some more... Was good to see Frank address the FUD though, I liked a few of his moves.

The team is now BTS and fixing stuff like the art being delayed😐 Will be interesting to see if the floor drops post reveal. Current floor is 135 sol ($4.8k). I think their community is fairly strong so don't imagine a heavy drop. Maybe down to 120sol is my guess. Just feels like whoever wanted to flip has already flipped. Like this guy 🤣

My favourite move of Frank's was allowing a shitposters takeover. Was so much fun. 

Guttercat mintGuttercat's recently announced Dutch Auction was a bit of a weird one for a few reasons. It felt really rushed with only 24h notice. Secondly, the DA's resting price was 0.3 which surprised me, I would've thought it'd go down to 0.1eth. Oh well, it still minted out.

Cooper Turley raises $10 mil Tis one is my favourite actually! I've been following him for a long while and dude has helped me so much. It was him that made me realize you can "build" in web3 without being technical. He's also a major reason for me deciding to start writing!

Anyway, below is my thread on music NFTs: it covers why music NFTs make sense and why they've not been so popular so far. Coopah actually liked it so I guess it's a good🧵 

My on-chain activityNothing on mainnet actually but got to play around on Goerli! 0xfoobar made an on-chain game where you play by calling functions! Was awesome. I had to "mine" ETH first

Then mint was pretty straightforward

This is how you attacked (the red is because I attacked within the cooldown period)

And txn bounced and refunded my gas surprisingly

0x9490165195503fcF6A0FD20aC113223fEfb66eD5 is the smart contract0x01e90E074c85E239A37A3A41b882A3f9C3F15B26 is the wallet I used to call 

Overall, pretty fun experience. Now I'm a lot more confident in calling functions. The Testnet-OpenSea is sloooooow btw. This reminds me I need to check in on my warriors.

My IRL activityI'll be in London from Wednesday morning and will be going to the NFTUK event. Hope to see some of you there. Drop me a msg if you'll be in London 👌


Hope you've enjoyed this and will tag along for next Sunday's adventures.

If you are, or know of, a cool business that I should look into - DM me📩 I'd love to cover it in one of the upcoming weeks. 

Also, this is the last newsletter before the merge!! Here's a thread, good luck anon!


If you liked this issue, here are my previous adventures:

Wishing you a productive week ahead!- Mitko


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