Adventure #11 - DeBank

web3 portfolio tracker

Welcome to the 11th issue of web3adventures where I shed light on web3 businesses.

We’ll use a simple framework that covers:(1) The company(2) The founding team(3) Funding and hiring(4) Why the business excites me

Disclaimer: None of this is sponsored, I choose what to write about. This is not financial advice either!

Today we're looking into DeBank

Heads up: this will be a very short issue because I have issues with planning :\ I wasn't meant to be writing this at 4:07am the night before my flight but oh well.Adventure #10 was actually meant to be the last newsletter but I'm too stubborn to quit so here we are again💀

The company

What DeBank has built is a free portfolio tracker - covers both NFTs and DeFi stuff. And they're adding another piece to the puzzle - a messaging app!

The DeBank app itself is really really cool. Very simple to use, you don't need to sign transactions. You can "star" wallets you want to track and there's also a "feed" of your starred wallets. For example, you'll see below the wallet of the guy that exploited MangoHis wallet: 0xadbab4f38ff9dcd71886f43b148bcad4a3081fb9

If you ever plan on getting involved in DeFi or are simply interested in how people put their money to work, I'd suggest using this app. For example, below is one of the best DeFi Yield farmers.

This guy is wild!! Wallet: 0x9c5083dd4838e120dbeac44c052179692aa5dac5He's taken a $7 mil load and used 7.9k ETH as collateral. Believe me, you can learn so so much just by looking at data on-chain.

The founding team

I've not looked. But they will be class

Funding and Hiring

I'm tired

Why this business excites me

I like on-chain data and the product is free. Can I go to bed now?

Favourite meme of the week

Quick market thoughts

Mango markets exploit, Temple DAO exploit, Binance exploit, 0% royalties on Magic Eden.We still standing strong though! There are positives too though (e.g. Google x Ethereum) buttttt I won't be getting into any of these today. Will plan better in the future

Anyway, back to Scotland on Sunday and we got a big week for web3adventures.Maybe I should start speaking about what we actually do hmmm🤔

Anyway, thank you for tagging along.Wishing you a productive week ahead!- Mitko


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