Adventure #10 - Early Ones

The market research platform for Web3

Welcome to the 10th issue of web3adventures where I shed light on web3 businesses.

We’ll use a simple framework that covers:(1) The company(2) The founding team(3) Funding and hiring(4) Why the business excites me

Disclaimer: None of this is sponsored, I choose what to write about. This is not financial advice either!

Today we're looking into - Early Ones

The company

What the company does is pretty simple and much needed! If I had to sum it up in 2 words it would be Bounty Board. You can see they have different types of tasks

I have personally tried out the app and loved it. Super smooth and was very easy to get used to. Loved it! So far I've participated in 3 tasks and earned $10. $15 more and I can request my first payout.

For now I'm rolling with the free membership but in the future, I might scoop up an NFT and enjoy the full benefits. However, I'll only do that with funds acquired as a result of using the app - is a personal challenge that I set myself

The founding team

The founding team is Bram Kanstein and David Lo Dico.

Bram Kanstein - Bram's twitter bio goes hard. Here's his LinkedIn

David Lo Dico - after going over his Linkedin, it's clear that David has a lot of startup experience. Anyway, here's his twitter bio

Funding and Hiring

A) FundingCouldn't find anything

B) HiringCouldn't find anything but it's always worth a shot if you're looking for a job

Why this business excites me

Bounty boards are a really cool feauture overall, I'm a big fan. I've not seen this concept in web2 so I'm hopeful we make it a success in web3.

Favourite meme of the week

Quick market thoughts

No market thoughts, no on-chain activity. Been busy building the processes for our future moves.

On another note, I've been thinking about stopping the newsletter.

The original goal was to do 10 weeks in a row and that's been achieved. I've not drawn the line and looked at the +ves and -ves but at this point, it feels like this might be the last issue, idk.

If this is the last issue, I want to thank each and every one of you for tagging along. It's been fun and I look forward to connecting with you elsewhere.

If this isn't the last issue, I'll see you another time on here👋Wishing you a productive week ahead!- Mitko


or to participate.